19 November 2012

Rosa sans braces


woohoooooo! my braces are no more! my teeth look so BIG, I think they look fake hahaa, It's just because I'm so use to seeing them covered with bits of metal though. I'm actually soooo pleased with them:)
they really hurt now though! I have to wear retainers all day today and tomorrow, and the retainers make them ache so much. My orthodontist said that it's because my teeth are trying to move, so I have to make sure I keep wearing the retainer even though it hurts to keep them in place! Also my gums are really swollen, and bleeding:( my orthodontist said they'll settle down soon though too.
I'm so glad I've reached the end of my jaw surgery journey it has been long and very hard at times but now I feel like it was alllll worth it:) look at those pearly whites!

18 November 2012

The journey of my face!

I've made some photo collages to show my progress with swelling since day 3! The comparison of then to now is so crazy, I can't believe how much I resembled a balloon at the beginning.
Front View

Side View
Also, I always noticed before my surgery that it was casual, non posed photos that I didn't know were being taken, where you could see my underbite the worst. For example..
 Recently I saw these 2 photos which are taken at angles that before would've definitely showed my bite in all it's underbitey glory, but obviously now, there is no underbite to be seen! It's crazy! When I just glanced at them I thought 'oh my gosh thats going to be a really bad angle' but of course they're not bad angles any more!! hooray
Also, I get my braces off............ TOMORROW!! I'm so excited:)

23 October 2012

12 weeks and 5 days!

Hi everyone!:)
I'm slowly getting better and better at chewing, It's wierd it's like I have to relearn how to do it! It was really hard at first but it is getting easier. I still can't eat really hard things or bite into things, but I can eat most things if I cut them up small! It's sooo good to not have to worry about not being able to eat, it's such a relief:)
My bite has gone back to not feeling that comfortable again.. it only sometimes feels like that though. Sometimes it feels like my left canine is clanging against the tooth on the bottom. Also one of my molars right at the back has been really hurting! I don't know why, I hope my brace hasn't broke or anything!
Here are some update photos..................

I think my face looks a lot more natural now:) The 'had to much botox' stiffness has finally mainly gone! There is still a little bit of swelling left but it's continuing to go down.

Heres an updated before and after...

loook! I have cheeks now rather than just flattness woohoo!

11 October 2012

little update

I just wanted to add some things that I realised I forgot to say in my last post. I realised that I said I could feel my entire face in my last post, well this is not actually true because I can't feel my top gums at the front at all!! It's not noticable unless I poke them though:)
also, I can't believe I forgot to say this... I'M GETTING MY BRACES OFF ON THE 19TH OF NOVEMBERRRR!! yaayyyy! I am so so so excited, and it feels so good to have a date booked so I know I'm definitely getting them off on that day, I'm not going to be a prisoner to these braces for too much longer hooray! It'll be so good to have free teeth:) I haven't seen my naked teeth in so long!

8 October 2012

Photo update! 10 weeks and 5 days

Hiii! I thought I'd do an update with photos to show how my swelling currently is. My face is definitely slightly more angular than roundy now!
Sorry about the not very good quality photos..
woop! One other thing is I've been really worried about my hair because it's been falling out like crazy ever since my operation, and it's just not stopping I'm scared my hairs gonna get really thin:( Every time I run my fingers through my hair like 5-10 hairs come out! Did anyone else experience this after their operation? When did it stop??

6 October 2012

10 weeks and 3 days after surgery

Hi guysssss!
I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long, jaw surgery isn't so much at the front of my mind any more, which really is soo good:) I'm so glad to have it in the past and be continuing on with my life!
I do have lots to tell though...
One thing I would say for anyone going into jaw surgery, is don't expect your teeth to magically fit perfectly together straight after surgery. Your bite moves around a lot, and at times can feel quite uncomfortable. My orthodontist recently took my bands off and without the support of the bands my bottom teeth shifted slightly forward, meaning they'd come into contact with my front top teeth when I bit together. It felt really uncomfortable, and also sometimes made me talk with a lisp! (I have no idea why)
Since then my orthodontist put a power chain on my bottom teeth and now my bite feels a lot better. I think the power chain has just pulled my bottom teeth back enough that they don't touch!:)
In terms of eating, I am now allowed to chew things again but food still has to be really soft. And chewing is HARD! It feels uncomfortable and for some reason my teeth don't seem to break up food, it just kind of gets modged up and I end up swallowing things pretty much whole! It's horrible if I accidently bite on something thats too hard too. It feels like when your eating, and then you accidently bite on the fork and it kind of resounds through your head. Or as if I've bit on a little rock.
My numbness is SO much better!:) I can feel my whole face, the only thing left is that my top lip still tingles when I purse my lips or do a wide smile.
I can now open my mouth to 3 fingers width. They told me to do a few excercises at the jaw place, but they said I only have to do it until I get to 35mm, which I'm already at! The only thing is my mouth used to be able to open way more then that and I really want to get it back to where it was before, so I'm hoping if I just keep doing the exercises it'll get back to what it was before. I liked being able to open my mouth wide, it meant I could make cool expressions!
I'm really busy at the moment, because I've just got 2 jobs! I only have 2 days off a week. I'm working at a deli in the village where I live, and also a little cafe. It's good because It'll mean I'll have lots of money to take to Australia with me! I can't wait to go to Australia, I'm going on the 4th of December woohooo!
If anyone has any questions for me about my surgery or anything feel free to ask! I'd love to answer any questions:)
I also want to say that everyone has to be thinking of Terra, because she has just had her surgery! you can dooo it Terra:)

17 September 2012

Before and Afters! 7 Weeks and 5 Days

I'm going to do another video soon but for now here are some before and afters! It was really funny looking back on the before photos I took. I'd forgotton that my bite and profile was actually that bad. I think I must've gotten more used to my new face than I thought! I'm so pleased with my results I look soo much better than I did before:) yaay
Left profile
Right profile
Smile! a bit of a cheeeeesy after smile but oh well:)

smiling profile. I think this is my favorite difference. This was the worst angle and pose for my old face (look at my jaw jutting out in the first photo!) but I really like it now!

Another smiling profile photo!
teeth close up

4 September 2012

My Etsy Shop!

Hello:) I just wanted to tell you all about what I have been doing to keep myself entertained whilst I couldn't do that much when I've been recovering. I've been doing sooo much art and making little crafty things and jewellery to sell! It's been so fun, and now I've made a little online shop on etsy, so I thought I'd share it with you all so you can take a look-
I also made a facebook page about it- http://www.facebook.com/RosingtonTown
I have definitely been keeping myself busy doing these things;) I am feeling like I want to get out and do stuff though, but I still feel tired really easily and when I stand up I feel a bit faint still so it holds me back. It's like I feel like I want to launch back into normal life but I still can't quite yet.

28 August 2012

4 weeks and 6 days little update!

Hi all my jaw friends!:)
I am still feeling goooood, I keep getting little things that I'm paranoid about though, like if I accidently knock my jaw (my last post!) or also I thought I could feel my muscles pushing my bottom jaw forward but I think that might be in my mind:) I am still eating mush, but it's ok because I can basically eat anything that doesn't involve chewing, so like scrambled egg, mashed potato and anything blended. I also discovered the other day I can eat cous cous if it has lots of sauce with it!!:D I get so excited whenever I discover a new food I can eat
My orthodontist said I have to wait until about the 8 week mark before I can try chewing anything. But thats only about 3 weeks away! I cannot wait until then ahhhh
I went to see a surgeon consultant guy today (it wasn't my actual surgeon, but one of his helpers) and he said everything was looking good. It was interesting as well, when he first looked at me he thought I hardly looked that swollen, but when he felt my face he said I actually do have quite a lot of 'residual swelling' there. He said it's because I have a narrow frame to my face so you don't notice the swelling that much when you just look at me.
I went to a little fancy dress tea party the other day it was so nice and I saw some friends I hadn't seen for ages:) Heres a photo of me and my friend Alex (It was Alice in Wonderland themed so I am supposed to be the queen of hearts (I hyjacked a red riding hood costume and just sewed some hearts on, I am a cheap skate when I comes to costumes!! and most things actually hahaa) and Alex is the ace of spades) I think in casual photos I notice my swelling more than if I'm taking one to put on my blog or if I'm looking in the mirror for some reason! I look quite puffy and wierd. Maybe because I am expecting to see what I would've seen in a photo before....I don't know

And here are some general update photos......
smiling- my smiles still a bit odd looking!! It's getting better though:)

Heres a smiling profile photo. Sorry about the blurryness- my mum's photography tut tut hehe:)

20 August 2012

Little bump

Hi everyone, this evening Dad gave me an overly enthusiatic hug and bashed my jaw into his shoulder bone! It really hurt, and now theres a little bump there! Do you think it could've damaged something should I be worried?

18 August 2012

Day 24 (3 weeks and 3 days) I made a video!

Heres an update video that I made yesterday!:) It literally took about a day to upload haa
I'm sorry that I blahed on for so long, but I just kept thinking of more things to say! Also the sound came out really quiet I don't know why
I hope everyone is doing well:)

10 August 2012

Day 16 since surgery!:)

I saw my surgeon yesterday, and he was surprised I hadn't been told to wear bands and he put tight bands on my teeth that I have to wear all the time. I was right to be concerned that they didn't put any bands on! He said he doesn't normally work with the orthodontist I've been seeing up until now, and that if I saw my actual orthodontist she would have put the bands on straight away. He said my bite closes, but that he needs to make it close more, (I had noticed this before, because there are little openings when I bite down) so I need to wear bands all the time in order for my teeth to do that. He said it's important to wear bands now, rather than wait till the bone has healed, as there is still some available movement in the bone and we want the bone to heal in the right position! He said if you decided to change things after the bone had healed it would take months.
but oh well at least I have them on now!!:) They are causing me quite a lot of pain right now though. I have to take loads of painkillers again because my teeth hurt quite a lot, and it makes my jaw hurt too and gives me a headache!
Other than that my surgeon was pleased with how everything looks! He is really pleased with how my jawline looks he said.
I had a really nice day yesterday, I went to my friends house and we walked down to a nearby river and did drawing:) it was really fun, but then in the evening my jaw and teeth started to really hurt from the bands so I had to go home. It was such a nice day though and so sunny!
I'm still a lot more swollen and bruised on my right side. I love my new profile! It's truly amazing


8 August 2012

2 weeks since my surgery!!

Hello everyone!:) everything is slowly turning back into normal life, I'm so happy. I had such a lovely day yesterday, I went to town with two friends and we went to see a film, and I got my nails done!! It was such a fun day and it was so nice to be able to do something normal and get out the house and see my close friends.
Here are some update photos that I took yesterday

and here is a photo of my nails! I love them:) it was so hard to choose a colour because they had such a massive selection but I really like the one I went for in the end, it makes my nails look like little berries!

6 August 2012

before and after

I made this before and after and oh my gosh it really sums up how dramatic the change really is! my face is so much shorter now:) woah
I'm starting to get really paranoid that my nose has become massively wide:( I'm hoping it's just the swelling pushing it out because I have a lot of swelling around there but it looks huuuge at the moment!
My face has also gone really dry and stingy! I think its from my skin being so stretched probably It's annoying though!

5 August 2012

Day 11 since surgery

Yesterday and today I have been feeling reallyyyy good!:) Mainly because I've been eating PROPER food rather than loads of the protein milkshakes. I decided I just couldn't handle any more of those because they taste soo chemically, so I've been mainly eating loads of different kinds of blended soup, yoghurt, blended fruit, hazelnut milk and rice milk, hot chocolate and posting choclate buttons into my mouth:) Yesterday I had such a nice soup at teatime. I had some carrot and corriander soup from the shop, and into it I added potato, chicken pieces and cheese! and then I added a bit of whole milk. It was so nice and nutricious!
Also, I have stopped using the syringes (they started to become really stiff and break, and also everything you put in them has to be an incredibly thin consistancy otherwise they get blocked. So even things I had blended were too thick and I had to strain it through a sieve before I could eat it!). I've started using these sauce drizzling bottles that I bought from John Lewis. They are so good because they fit like a bowls worth of soup in and you don't have to keep putting more in like with the syringes, and obviously you can have thicker food in them:) Also another thing is it makes eating feel less like you're eating medicine if you get what I mean! It's more appetising:)

One thing is I've been feeling really uncomfortable at night, and this is when I feel the most pain. I just get so tense from sleeping on my back, and my neck gets really stiff and it gives me a headache:( I've been so desperate to just snuggle down on my side but I've been resisting! It's so hard to sleep though. I've been taking a small dose of codeine just before bed which helps.
I've been making loads of things to keep myself entertained!! I want to go to some craft fairs soon to raise money, so I have to make all my stock:) Heres a picture of some little mousey things I made they're going to go on key rings or maybe phone charms
Here are some update photos for today:
left side
right side

3 August 2012

Day 9

I went to see the orthodontist today about my concerns about my teeth, and they really reassured me that everything was infact fine:) They said they didn't want to put really heavy bands on as they thought it could make other problems occur with my bite, and then said that having heavy bands actually increases the chance of relapse (I didn't really understand how, but they said it did!). They also said they haven't actually got that much control over how my teeth and jaws are going to go now, and that there is scar tissue healing and they can't predict how it is going to heal. I still feel a bit uneasy about not having bands on, but I have lots of appointments coming up so if anything does go wrong they will be able to see.
They actually thought I was being a bit paranoid about my teeth having moved, and they didn't think they had. They agreed that my center line was a bit off though so they have given me one band to wear at night to pull that back to being right.
One thing that I have been thinking about is that there is little openings when I bite down, which I wish weren't there, but maybe eventually they'll sort that out with my braces. I asked them and they said they would be able to help that a bit...
Heres my teeth, you can definately see how my centre line is slightly out of line! but it is still amazing to see how my top teeth come over my bottom teeth! I love it yaaay:)
Heres me trying to smile! pahaa it's so creepy and odd looking at the moment
I'm a lot more swollen on this than the other side! I think that was because  on this side, my surgeon discovered that my sinus had collapsed and had a pollop on it! So he took away the pollop:) I got 2 surgeries for the price of 1!